Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Today we went as a group to the beach town of Celestun and it was my favourite excursion so far! It was just so much fun to hang out at the beach/on the water all day! I took a ton of pictures for ya so I'll explain as we go along...

We took a bus to Celestun and it took about an hour and a half... As soon as I got off the bus though, I knew that today was going to be perfect! There was not a cloud in the sky and I was in love with the city after I first laid eyes on it! There were a ton of bright-coloured buildings and they were so cool! I think I'm going to paint my house bright pink or yellow or something when I get home... How could you not be happy if you lived in a bright pink house?

 The beautiful streets of Celestun!

First we went straight to the beach! It was GORGEOUS! The sand was like white powder and we had it all to ourselves!

 We need a roommate picture at every cool place we visit!

We didn't get to enjoy the beach very long though because soon after we all got into these cool little fishing boats and went on an adventure! I was in a boat with Ryan, Cody, Morgan, Audrey, Natalie, and Isabell (Profe's daughter). They were a fun group! I'm glad I was with them!

 We also brought a little entertainment with us.. 

 Our driver was the man! I felt like we were on the Amazing Race or something because everyone was hoping to get the fastest driver. One of the drivers had to stop and get gas and so everyone else laughed at them while we sped away and it was pretty funny! Seems like something that would happen on that show. 

 The drive in the boats was really pretty. We just drove along the shore and saw a ton of beautiful scenery. 


We were in first place at this point! 

It was a blast being out on the water and feeling the wind off the ocean! I could ride around in the boat all day! We drove and drove but we had no idea where we were going. Gradually we started slowing down a little bit and then we went through this super cool little river thing... We floated through a tunnel of trees and it was probably one of the top ten coolest things I've ever done! The trees grew right in the water and so you could see all their roots, and they had long, draping branches that made a natural tunnel to drive through! Light peaked through the cracks in the trees and we were all so amazed by it, so we barely said anything. I couldn't stop looking in all directions in amazement!

 As you can see, the water is red. I promise that it wasn't a shark attack! Our guide told us that the bark on the trees change colour throughout the year and since the trees grow in the water, the dye from the bark leaks into the ocean and it changes colour. Right now it is in its red phase, but apparently at other times in the year it dyes the water pitch black. It was pretty cool to see!

After we made it through the little tunnel we sped back up and drove to our next stop... to see wild flamingos!! We saw this little sand bar covered in flamingos! There must have been hundreds! Our guide let us pull over the boat and take some pictures. They were really cool. I learned that the reason they are pink is because they only eat shrimp (which is pink). The ones that are still more white-ish than the rest are the babys because they haven't eaten as much shrimp as the adults haha.

 Take off!

 They don't do this at the zoo! 

The next place that we stopped was at an ojo de agua. Pretty much it's kind of like a cenote but it's in the middle of the ocean, not in the middle of the land. You can swim in them so of course I jumped in right away! Some were a little hesitant at first as I'm sure you'll understand why when you see the pictures... Also, we found out afterwards that there are a ton of crocodiles living near the ojo de agua. They live on one side of it for half the day and the other side of it for the other half of the day and they swim UNDER YOUR LEGS while you're playing in the water without you knowing! Is that not the creepiest thing ever?? Good thing they told me that after I had already swam in it! 

 Two of my favourite girls here... My fantastic roommate Caitlin and my partner in crime, Brooke! We were really excited to go swimming =)

 Where we swam.. they have the same trees here as they do in the tunnel and so the water was bright red again!

 Caitlin and I both wore the same bathing suit on accident without knowing! GMTA

 Swimming in the ojo de agua! It made our skin look bright orange under the water! 

 Enough time in the tanning beds Lyndy? I think you should spread your fake tanning oil a little more evenly next time ;)

 It smelled kind of nasty but it was definitely a blast! Also... don't drink it. I got some in my mouth on accident and it was disgusting.

 The bottom felt like mush... I was scared to touch it!

 Keeping our feet up so the crocodiles don't eat them! 

Then we found this little rope tied across the ojo so all the girls jumped on it and decided to play high school musical haha. It took a few attempts to get it all at the same time!

 Audrey was also wearing the same top as us! haha

Swimming in the ojo de agua was a blast! It was in such a random little spot in the ocean, and it was really neat. We had fun pretending like we were guidos or oompa loompas since the water made us so orange! After swimming there though, we got back in our boats and headed to the beach for lunch!

 I decided that the front of the boat was my favourite spot!

 We made room for all the girls!

Our little group (minus Ryan)

 Livin' the life!

 Land ho! Our group with our captain!

When we got back to the beach we got to swim and hang out for an hour and half or so before lunch. It was such a pretty beach and the sand was so soft! There were a ton of cool shells there too so I got a few more for my collection =) We also got in the water and then did facials on each other with the sand. It was funny, Profe's daughters (and Ethan) loved it. Now we're all exfoliated and beautiful! Haha... the water was really calm today too so I went for a long swim down to the end of the pier and back. It's been a while since I've done front crawl so it felt really good. I could have stayed at that beach all day.

 Roomie pic! Prof pic! Twinners!

 Aaron accidentally forgot his bathing suit and so luckily Caitlin had an extra pair of running shorts that she let him borrow. Of course the jokes didn't stop all day. 

 We need a girls picture! Aaron, bring your short shorts over here!

 And then we decided to play EFY haha

 Haha oh Aaron.... He loves to show off those upper thighs. 

Finally it was time for lunch! We were so hungry after being on the water and swimming all day. As usual they brought us fresh, home-made tortilla chips to start out and then they brought each of us this little fish appetizer that's really common here in Yucatan. I've had it a few times already and it's really good. It's shredded white fish with cilantro, onions, and tomatoes with an oil and lime sauce on it. It's really good actually. But then for lunch we ate a delicious meal with garlic fish. It was delicious! They also brought us out three big pitchers of fresh-squeezed lemonade, horchata, and jamaica (traditional drinks in Yucatan found at every meal). 

 Best part was the little portion of mashed potatoes! So cute!

 This lady kept trying to sell us breads and other foods while we were in the restaurant. Can't you see that we're already eating? We don't need more food! haha

 We're starting to like habaneros! 

Becca's getting married soon and so her goal is to have tanned thighs.... she's still working on it ;)

Today was an awesome day! They worst part was having to go home =( I always love the beach but especially this one! I had a ton of fun doing/seeing things that I never have before! Also, after today we will have exactly one month left in Mexico! I hope it goes by slow! I feel like time goes by fast here, but we still do so many fun things, which is good. At least we're not at the half-way mark yet... we get to live the party life a little bit longer. I'm convinced that there's no where better than Mexico.

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