Monday, August 27, 2012

Last Day of School!

Today was the last day of school and I was actually pretty sad about it. I got so lucky with all of my classes. My teachers were so awesome, I could go on forever about how much I love them! Also everyone in my class was awesome... it was just a ton of fun. Not too hard, but still educational =) And today for the last day of my grammar class we had a celebration. We got in groups and performed skits and it was great! All of the skits were hilarious! We did ours about how our Mexican parents met because it's a pretty crazy story. And then Amber, Natalie, and Morgan performed "De los ojos de las iguanas" and they pretty much just poked fun at everyone in our group and talked about all the gossip from it and stuff. It was hilarious! Then Cody, Brooke, and Tyler made a song about our trip to the tune of "Friday" and it was amazing! I will put up a video of it soon! But yeah, it was a great day. Awesome way to end the semester. Also, I got the highest mark in both of my classes! I have my Mexican friends to thank... I spoke Spanish with them all the time and so I learned it so fast and my homework was so so so easy for me.

Everyday we all had to bring a new word to class and teach it to our classmates. I made this poster with all the "words of the day" from our class.  

MERIDA. My home! 

 Everyone made posters... they all looked pretty cool. Are we in kindergarten or what? ;) Sorry to anyone who stayed summer semester and is reading this right now haha.

Our class with our awesome teacher, Mariana! 

Cara de Pueblo. 

 And another class picture.... everyone with Gustavo. 

Gustavo and the boys. I'm sure Gustavo is a sweetheart but he really scared me. I went to his class on the first day and thought I was going to die. I understood like less than 5 percent of what he said! I definitely dropped that class the next day. He uses such crazy, advanced vocab... I don't think I could even understand him if he spoke Enlglish!

 Then for my final exam in my conversation class we went out for breakfast. Difficult eh? ;) 

And then we went shopping! 

 .... And chased cute boys around the mall. We need to set Lilia up with this guy! Probably the hottest guy to grace the planet. He works at the mall too. Obviously we went back like every day after this in order to see him again... stalkers? Nah. Haha

Also, there's another university in Merida and they have the same logo as my high school in Canada, Aberhart. I saw this all the time and thought it was so funny. It was a nice reminder of home though so it was pretty cool. I had to get a picture today though for it. Go orange! Woot!

So umm yeah, can finals always be this easy please? Wait, too bad that I'm going into the accounting program next year. Gotta enjoy the freedom while I still can!

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