Sunday, July 29, 2012


Today was a beautiful Sunday! This morning we went to church and all of the speakers for the sacrament meeting were from BYU. Alli, Taylor, Profe, and his wife all gave great talks. I was so impressed with Profe's wife, Kathy, because she doesn't even speak Spanish, yet she gave a whole talk in Spanish. The bishop asked her the second week that we were here and instead of declining or making excuses she got to work and practiced and practiced saying each word. What an amazing lady! She did a great job. I'd be scared to give a talk in Spanish, and I even speak the language! I'm so glad that Profe is our program director. He's an awesome guy and he's so kind. Also his kids are adorable and so fun to play with!

We only stayed in sacrament meeting though today because then all the girls in my conversation class and I went to the centro building for church. We invited our teacher to come to church with us and she accepted! She's the best teacher ever... and she's really young so she's basically just our friend. It was her first time at an LDS church and she really liked it. After church we talked with her for an hour or so all about our beliefs and it was a really cool experience. She was very gracious and I think that she really enjoyed it. 

 At church with our teacher! I love our class... Nathalie, Amber, Lilia, Lyndy. Brooke, and Me!

Also, since we got to church a little early I was walking around the building for a bit talking to people and all of a sudden this lady called me over in English. I was so confused at first because I don't even remember the last time that I spoke English with a stranger! Haha but I went over to say hi and found out that this lady was from Edmonton and she was visiting Merida but she didn't speak any Spanish. She was trying to talk to the missionaries and other members but was having a very hard time communicating. So she asked me if I could translate for her for a bit and so I did. It was the first time that I have done that and so it was kind of intense, but really cool! Once we had figured everything out she asked me to go to relief society with her and help her understand the lesson and so I did. It was really fun to help her understand! It's times like these that make me so glad that I stuck to Spanish and persevered all these years. I remember being just like that Lady when I was first learning Spanish too. It's amazing now to look back and realize how much I have learned. I know that there is so much more to learn too... I hope I can one day be completely fluent.

After church we came home and had a delicious lunch as always. Then Caitlin and I got to our normal Sunday routine. Aka being as lazy as possible! On Sundays we try as hard as we can to never leave our beds! Hahaha we're so busy doing fun stuff all week and so we just crash hard every Sunday. We usually buy some Candy the night before or something and then sit in our beds, talk, watch movies, catch up on homework, talk with our families, and sleep. We only move for food... haha #fatjoke. It's pretty funny but we love being lazy on Sundays!

We also started a new tradition with Mama and Papa for Sundays. Every Sunday after dinner we play Rummy. But this week I taught them a new version of the game called Rummy Rapida (Speed Rummikub). My family loves this game and so I taught it to Mama and Papa and they loved it! We played seven times because they were loving it so much! We had a tournament too and I won! Mama was so bummed since she LOVES to win! I won three times, Mama won twice, Caty won once, and Papa won once. It was super fun. We were laughing the whole time!

 Teaching Mama how to play her own game ;) 

 Family game nights! This is more proof that we have the best family here.

They wanted to do a silly faced picture so this is what we got lol. I love how Papa and I did the opposite... probably because I was winning and he was losing ;) haha

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