Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Pretty Much a Local Now

Today was my one week anniversary of being in Merida and it was one of my favourite days! It wasn't because I did anything super crazy or fun, but I just had an all-around great day. Today was the first day that I didn't get lost going anywhere. I took all the right buses, was able to find all my classes, and I today I understood Spanish better then I ever have.

Yesterday was fast Sunday so I decided that I needed to fast to understand and speak Spanish better. Then I made a promise with Heavenly Father that I wouldn't speak a word of English that day. It was hard. Really, really hard. But I made it through the whole day and was so proud of myself. I also made a promise with my roommate that this week we wouldn't speak more than an hour of English every day. I must say that I was really blessed for my efforts today. I understood every single word that my teacher said today in school, and I talked to a random guy downtown while Caitlin was buying some stuff and I understood 99 percent of what he said! We talked for about 15 minutes and I was able to respond and have a solid conversation with him. It was the best feeling ever.

I also feel really confident with my sense of direction now. I know how to get everywhere that I need and which buses to take and where to get on/off them. Trust me... this is a very important skill to have. I have gotten off at the wrong stop more times than I can count. One time I had to walk like 15 blocks. The bus system is pretty confusing, so I'm really glad that I finally understand it.

Also today we went to centro to celebrate Laurita's birthday at Colon, and after Caitlin, Amber, Natalie, and I walked around centro for a bit and we found the jackpot! We found this huge market with anything/everything Mexican that you would every want! It had all the cool authentic stuff and rows and rows of it. Apparently it's where the vendors buy the stuff that they sell on the streets, so it's really cheap. I bought two Mexican backpacks that I wanted so bad! I didn't bring a lot of money today though so I need to go back ASAP and buy more! If anyone wants souvenirs or a post card or anything send me a FB message and I'll get you something!

 The group for Laurita's birthday! For some reason she barely made it in the picture... opps.

 Since yesterday was sunday I decided to celebrate Canada Day today! Obviously I'm reppin' my Canada shirt =) 

 Canadian Pride!

 I bought a fresh mango from this guy on the street... maybe a little sketchy but it tasted so good! I hope I don't get sick though! 

 This store had walls and walls of Christ on the cross... it was kinda creepy.

 Natalie and I found these beetles that they glue beads and jewels on! They're alive but they have chains attached to them and you're supposed to wear them or something. I don't really understand it. It seems super creepy.

 My new friend Francisco! He was the guy that I talked with and was able to understand everything he said to me.

My new mochilas (backpacks)! I'm in love with them.

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