Tuesday, July 03, 2012

La Vaquería

Tonight we went downtown to watch la vaquería! Every Monday in the Centro they have a traditional dance group preform for free so we decided to go. It was really cool (muy padre). The dance was a mix of traditional Yucatacan dance and Mayan dance. There was a live band, beautiful dancers, and lot of people there having fun.

Our group for the night!

Amber bought a new Mexican dress and wanted to show it off!

Coco loves to talk with the locals.. he's always off somewhere by himself.

Ryan and I realized that we have never been in a photo together and so we took one today! But we were both laughing so hard because Ethan was our photographer and he thought it was super funny to zoom in really close so that only our noses were in the picture =P

So when Ethan wanted a photo this is what he got! 

This was the first dance we saw! It was sweet!

This is the building where the dance was held in front of!

Another dance! It was so intricate! I loved how the danced and braided the ribbons at the same time! If one person messed up the whole thing would be ruined!

I know this picture is blurry but it was the only one I had... for the final dance they all danced with full beer bottles on their head! No one dropped it!

Then they decided to step it up and dance with a whole serving tray on their head! It was crazy!

So then Cody had to try it... pretty much the same thing ;)

Tonight was really fun! I want to definitely go back again on another Monday and see more traditional dances! Maybe I can even learn one =)

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